Showing posts from August, 2014
Chapter 4.Dictionaries. 'Beginning Python From Novice to Professional' by Magnus Lie Hetland
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DICTIONARIES telephone numbers (and other numbers that may contain leading zeros) should be represented as strings of digits—not integers. There are keys and values,closed in a curly braces/ >>> phonebook = {'Alice':'1111','Beth':'2222','Cecil':'3333'} >>> phonebook['Cecil'] '3333' ______________________________________________ dict function >>> items = [('GG','FF'),('11',22)] >>> items = dict(items) >>> items {'GG': 'FF', '11': 22} It can be used with keyword arguments >>> d = dict (name = "Gumby", age = 42) >>> d {'age': 42, 'name': 'Gumby'} _________________________________ BASIC DICTIONARY OPERATIONS >>> d = dict(apple = 'gavno',android = 'fuflo') >>> d {'android': 'fuflo', 'apple': ...
Chapter 3.Working With Strings. 'Beginning Python From Novice to Professional' by Magnus Lie Hetland
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String formatting operator >>> print format % value Hello, Pit, How do you do? >>> format = 'Hello, %s. %s do you do?' >>> values = ('Pit','How') >>> print format % values Hello, Pit. How do you do? ____________________________________ formatting real numbers (floats) >>> format = 'Pi with four decimals: %.4f' >>> from math import pi >>> print format % pi Pi with four decimals: 3.1416 _______________________________________ Template strings/Template method SUBSTITUTE >>> from string import Template >>> s = Template('$x, glorious $x') >>> s.substitute(x = 'slurm') 'slurm, glorious slurm' ___________________________ If the replacement field is part of a word, x should be enclosed in braces >>> from string import Template >>> s = Template("It's ${x}tastic") >>> s.substitute(x=...
Chapter 2. LISTS & TUPLES. 'Beginning Python From Novice to Professional' by Magnus Lie Hetland
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FUNCTIONS of LISTS >>> list ('Hello') ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']' __________________ Item assignments >>> x = [1,1,1] >>> x[1]=2 >>> x [1, 2, 1] _________________________ Deleting elements >>> names = ['debora','Alice','Trinity','Sofia'] >>> del names[2] >>> names ['debora', 'Alice', 'Sofia'] _______________________________________ Slicing >>> name = list('Perl') >>> name ['P', 'e', 'r', 'l'] >>> name[2:]=list('ar') >>> name ['P', 'e', 'a', 'r'] ________________________________________ Different length of initial and final list after slicing >>> name[1:]=list('ython') >>> name ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n...
Chapter 2. LISTS & TUPLES.SEQUENCES 'Beginning Python From Novice to Professional'
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>>> ed = ['Edward Snowden',42] >>> steve = ['Steven Jobs',55] >>> gven = ['Gven Stephany',35] >>> barak = ['Barak Obama',56] >>> database = [ed,steve,gven,barak] >>> database [['Edward Snowden', 42], ['Steven Jobs', 55], ['Gven Stephany', 35], ['Barak Obama', 56]] >>> _________________________________________________ Common Sequence Operations These operations include indexing, slicing, adding, multiplying, and checking for membership . INDEXING >>>print 'losos'[4] s >>> 'losos'[-1] 's' >>> third = raw_input('Who? ')[3] Who? Kozel >>> third 'e' ____________________________________________ >>> endings = ['st', 'nd', 'rd'] + 17 * ['th'] \ + ['st', 'nd', 'rd'] + 7 * ['th'] \ + ['st...
Chapter 1 Numbers & Expressions, 'Beginning Python From Novice to Professional' / Цифры и выражения
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Addition, subtraction, сложение, вычитание >>> 2+2 4 >>>3-2 1 (!) Division, деление >>>1/2 0 >>>1.0/2.0 0,5 >>>1/2. 0.5 _______________________________________________________________________________ From _future_import division >>>1/2 0.5 >>>1//2 0 _______________________________________________________________________________ Reminder operator / оператор остатка >>>1%2 1 >>> 10%3 1 >>> 10%4 2 >>> 10%5 0 _______________________________________________________________________________ Multiplication / умножение >>> 3*333 999 _______________________________________________________________________________ Exponentiation / Возведение в степень >>> 2**3 8 >>> -3**2 -9 >>> (-3)**2 9 _______________________________________ Variables Assignment x = 3 Expression x*2 ________________________________...
'HELLO WORLD' or starting with 'Beginning Python From Novice to Professional', Second Edition, Magnus Lie Hetland
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I've started to read an incredible manual on Python by Magnus Lie Hetland. My very intelligent friend 've adviced and he is right - very nice book. Some of practical issues I will post sometimes to remind myself becouse it's hard to keep in mind some elements of new language ))) So... >>>print 'Hello world'