
Showing posts from October, 2020

Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch

  V entilation-Perfusion ( V̇/Q̇ ) mismatch is similar to intrapulmonary shunt (V̇/Q̇ = 0) , with some important distinctions.

Influence of Obesity on Propofol

  Generally, in obese patients, the blood distributes more to nonadipose than to adipose tissues, resulting in higher plasma drug concentrations in obese patients with mg/kg dosing than in normal patients with less adipose mass. ➡

Influence of Obesity on Anesthetic Drugs.

  Anesthesia providers should be familiar with the pharmacologic alterations of anesthetics in obese individuals. In general, manufacturer dosing recommendations are scaled to kilograms of actual total body weight (TBW).➟

Mean Arterial Pressure

Mean Arterial Pressure  (MAP) is the average arterial pressure throughout one cardiac cycle (systole and diastole).  Can be calculated using a Formula: MAP = DP + 1/3(SP - DP)