
Showing posts from August, 2021

Kidney Stress and Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery


Extubation Strategies after Cardiac Surgery

Extubation Strategies after Cardiac Surgery  

Chemical Thromboprophylaxis after Cardiac Surgery


Chest Tube Patency in Cardiac Surgery

  Chest Tube Patency keywords: chest tube patency, cardiac surgery, retained blood syndrome, postoperative complications, atrial fibrillation, chest tube clogging, active tube clearance, pericardial drainage, mediastinal blood, tamponade prevention, heart surgery recovery, chest tube management, anticoagulation therapy, pleural effusion, surgical drainage

Persistent Postoperative Hypothermia

  Persistent Postoperative Hypothermia Postoperative hypothermia is the failure to return to or maintain normothermia (>36°C) 2 to 5 hours after an intensive care unit (ICU) admission associated with Cardiac Surgery (CS). Hypothermia is associated with increased bleeding , infection, a prolonged hospital stay, and death . Large registry observational studies suggest if hypothermia is of short duration, outcomes can be improved. Based on this evidence, we recommend prevention of hypothermia by using forced-air warming blankets, raising the ambient room temperature, and warming irrigation and intravenous fluids to avoid hypothermia in the early postoperative period (class 1, level B-NR). Read Also: Perioperative bleeding. General coagulation management.

Perioperative Pain Management

Perioperative Pain Management

Perioperative Glycemic Control

  Perioperative Glycemic Control

Tranexamic Acid or Epsilon Aminocaproic Acid in Cardiac Surgery

 Tranexamic Acid or Epsilon Aminocaproic Acid in Cardiac Surgery

Rigid Sternal Fixation in Cardiac Surgery

  Rigid Sternal Fixation in Cardiac Surgery