
Showing posts from March, 2015

Linux + Tv Webos +Mediatomb = having fun with home video или как смотреть по домашней сети видео с компьютера Linux на телевизоре

 На винде очень просто смотреть видео с компьютера на телевизоре, а вот с линуксом придется немного заморочится, но все возможно, причем , мне показалось, стабильность расшаривания в той же сети вай-фай в убунте на порядок лучше. Видео не лагают, в т.ч. HD.  Нужно запустить DLNA сервер с помощью программы Mediatomb. Делайте по пунктам, как указано ниже. On Windows 7, 8 and 10 it was not difficult to watch the movie, sharing it by right mouse button clicking and choosing submenu ''Watch on TV".  The way to do it on Ubuntu: 1. Откройте терминал и выполните команду.  (Open Terminal and run command:) sudo apt-get install mediatomb sudo apt-get mediatomb 2. Отредактируйте файл - добавьте туда выделенные ниже строки. (Edit the file   /etc/default/mediatomb   To open and edit (it"s root directory):)   sudo gedit /etc/default/mediatomb with this lines: INTERFACE="eth0" ROUTE_ADD="/sbin/route add -net netmask

Installing Virtualenvwrapper on OpenSuse

To those with troubles , installing  Virtualenvwrapper on OpenSuse .  Unlike Ubuntu, where installing and launching Virtualenvwrapper was smooth, on OpenSuse I/ve got some problems. Installing smooth, but it did not work. The way of installing and using: :~> sudo zypper install python3-pip :~>sudo zypper install python-virtualenvwrapper :~>export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs :~>source /usr/bin/ :~>mkvirtualenv some_directory --python=/usr/bin/python3 :~>echo 'export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs' >> ~/.bashrc :~>echo 'source /usr/bin/' >> ~/.bashrc :~>echo 'export PIP_VIRTUALENV_BASE=~/.virtualenvs' >> ~/.bashrc That's all, Kids :~>workon some_directory

EFI, UEFI issue

Really was a problem, installing different operative systems on notebook Lenovo with EFI. When I was trying to install Ubuntu, it was an error message "Could not open "EFI\BOOT\fallback.efi":14", and the black screen.  When I was trying to install OpenSuse, I could not install together with Windows.  When I was trying to install OpenSuse alone, the efi drives of OpenSuse and Windows remained on hard disk and OpenSuse did not work propely (some bugs with open/shutdown process). So, the solution was: during installing Ubuntu from DVD I 've got a message  "Could not open "EFI\BOOT\fallback.efi":14" and black screen.  Then I pressed keys from F1 to F5 (I don't know the proper key even now) and it started virtual Ubuntu. Than I pressed on ''Install Ubuntu" desktop icone and OS was properly installed with rewriting EFI partition.  NICE!!!