Bispectral Index & Ketamine Anesthesia

Conclusions of some studies that investigated effect of ketamine on bispectral index (BIS).

  • Effect of ketamine on bispectral index during propofol--fentanyl anesthesia: a randomized controlled study. 
Sengupta SGhosh SRudra AKumar PMaitra GDas T.
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CONCLUSION: Thus, under stable propofol anesthesia, a bolus of KETAMINE 0.5 MG/KG INCREASES BIS VALUES WHILE KETAMINE 0.2 MG/KG DOES NOT.                       

  • Comparative effects of ketamine on Bispectral Index and spectral entropy of the electroencephalogram under sevoflurane anaesthesia

  • V. Bonhomme

  • Conclusions. Ketamine administered under sevoflurane anaesthesia causes a significant increase in BIS, RE and SE without modification of the RE–SE gradient. This increase is paradoxical in that it is associated with a deepening level of hypnosis.               

    • Ketamine has no effect on bispectral index during stable propofol–remifentanil anaesthesia

  • L. Barvais

  • Conclusions. Under stable propofol and remifentanil TCI anaesthesia, a slow bolus infusion of ketamine 0.2 mg kg−1 administered over a 5 min period did not increase the BIS value over the next 15 min.

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