QUIZ. Allergic reaction under anaesthesia

    A man is scheduled for elective noncardiac surgery. He reports collapsing due to a severe allergic reaction under anaesthesia in the past, but he is unsure which agent was the reason. There are no notes available.   

Which of the following should you avoid as the most likely causative agent? (answer is at the bottom)       

A. Antibiotics
B. Rocuronium
C. Propofol
D. Ketamine
E. Midazolam

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The following table lists the most commonly known triggers for anaphylaxis and their proposed incidence when associated with anaesthesia. As muscle relaxants are reported to be the agents with the highest risk of triggering anaphylaxis, rocuronium should be avoided in this scenario if at all possible. If the use of a muscle relaxant is necessary, using a benzyl-isoquinolinium instead of an aminosteroid may reduce the risk as they are less associated with such a reaction.

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