Abbreviated mental test score

The abbreviated mental test score (AMTS) is used in medicine to assess for confusion and other cognitive impairment, although it has mainly been validated in the elderly.

The following questions are put to the patient. Each question correctly answered scores one point. A score of 7-8 or less suggests cognitive impairment at the time of testing, although further and more formal tests are necessary to confirm a diagnosis of dementia, delirium or other causes of cognitive impairment.

What is your age? (1 point)
What is the time to the nearest hour? (1 point)
Give the patient an address, and ask him or her to repeat it at the end of the test. (1 point)
What is the year? (1 point)
What is the name of the office or doctor you are seeing today? (1 point)
Can the patient recognize two persons (the doctor, nurse, home help, etc.)? (1 point)
What is your date of birth? (day and month sufficient) (1 point)
Year of First World War?  (1 point)
(other dates can be used, with a preference for dates some time in the past.)
Name the present president of the country. (1 point)

Count backwards from 10 down to 1. (1 point)

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