Pulmonary Function and Perioperative Mortality/Morbidity.
Increased morbidity results from hypoxemia, hypoventilation resulting in acute hypercarbia, pulmonary infection, prolonged intubation, and mechanical ventilation. Patients presenting for lobectomy or pneumonectomy as well as those with pulmonary comorbidity must have pulmonary function and arterial blood gas values. A forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) less than 800 ml in a 70-kg person is probably incompatible with life and is an absolute contraindication to lung resection because of the high incidence for extended mechanical ventilation.

- PFT, pulmonary function test;
- FEF25-75, Forced expiratory flow in the midexpiratory phase;
- FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second;
- FVC, forced vital capacity;
- RV, residual volume;
- TLC, total lung capacity.
Pink puffers and blue bloaters:
Pink puffers (emphysema)
Usually older (>60 years)
Pink in color
Minimal cough
Blue bloaters
(chronic bronchitis)
Relatively young
Heavier in weight
Chronic productive cough; frequent wheeze