Cardiorenal syndrome, classification and treatment.

Cardiorenal syndrome is a term that defines disorders involving both the heart and kidneys in which acute or chronic dysfunction in one organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction in the other organ.
Type 1:
Acute cardiac decompensation (e.g., cardiogenic shock, ADHF) leading to acute kidney injury (AKI)
Treatment: Diuretics, inotropes, nesiritide, and pressors.
Type 2:
Chronic heart failure leading to progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Treatment: Loop and K + -sparing diuretics, vasodilators, including ACE-Is.
Type 3:
AKI leading to acute cardiac disorders (fluid overload, CHF, arrhythmias due to hyperkalemia).
Treatment: Treat cardiac disorders appropriately.
Type 4:
CKD leading to chronic heart failure due to fibrosis, anemia, etc.
Treatment: Loop diuretics, ACE-Is, ARBs, correction of anemia, and other drugs as indicated.
Type 5:
Systemic diseases (e.g., diabetes, lupus) leading to both cardiac and kidney dysfunction.
Treatment: Treat the underlying disease and institute appropriate management to prevent cardiac and
kidney disease.