Two Mnemonic Phrases for Cranial Nerves

Here are 2 useful mnemonic phrases for memorizing the names of the twelve cranial nerves and their functional purpose.

 Cranial nerve names in order from CN I to CN XII:

On old Olympus's towering top a Finn and German viewed some hops

  1. Oolfactory nerve (CN I)
  2. Ooptic nerve (CN II)
  3. Ooculomotor nerve (CN III)
  4. Ttrochlear nerve (CN IV)
  5. Ttrigeminal nerve(CN V)
  6. Aabducens nerve (CN VI)
  7. Ffacial nerve (CN VII)
  8. Aauditory (vestibulocochlear) nerve (CN VIII)
  9. Gglossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
  10. Vvagus nerve (CN X)
  11. Sspinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
  12. Hhypoglossal nerve (CN XII)

Memorizing functional purpose:

Some say marry money but my brother says big brains matter more

  1. Ssensory (olfactory nerve - CN I)
  2. Ssensory (optic nerve - CN II)
  3. Mmotor (oculomotor nerve - CN III)
  4. Mmotor (trochlear nerve - CN IV)
  5. Bboth (trigeminal nerve - CN V)
  6. Mmotor (abducens nerve - CN VI)
  7. Bboth (facial nerve - CN VII)
  8. Ssensory (vestibulocochlear nerve - CN VIII)
  9. Bboth (glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX)
  10. Bboth (vagus nerve - CN X)
  11. Mmotor (spinal accessory nerve - CN XI)
  12. Mmotor (hypoglossal nerve - CN XII)

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